Neurologically Based Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a holistic health care approach that allows the body to function at its best.

Function Based

This approach to your health is what sets us a part from your typical healthcare provider. At Cadence Chiropractic we believe that the symptoms you are feeling are a byproduct of dysfunction in your body - specifically your nervous system (which controls and coordinates life in your entire body - casual). Instead of throwing a handful of prescriptions at your symptoms, which will indefinitely lead to a handful of new, different symptoms, we believe in doing what makes sense. We want to help your body function better which will indefinitely lead to decreased symptoms and an overall better quality of life. Our patients have found that this natural approach to sickness in kids and adults has made a lasting change in the overall health of their family!

Adjusting Instruments

If you knew the most effective way to become a billionaire, you would probably want to put it into action pretty quick right? Us too! Unfortunately, we don’t have that secret. BUT - we do know the most effective way to help you reach your greatest health potential. That is through specific, scientific chiropractic care through adjusting instruments. Dr. Logan specializes in the most advanced chiropractic techniques in order to help your body function and heal the way it was suppose to - without adding anything to it or taking anything from it.

Who do we serve?

we specialize in pediatric and prenatal care but have seen incredible with results with:

Newborns + Infants

Kids + Teenagers

